
3rd D-Case Study Information

Date & Time:2013/4/19
Place:Keio University, Hiyoshi Campus来往舎 2nd Floor Conference Room


1:55 Opening Ceremony

2:00 D-Case、DEOS Expectations Tamaru Kiichiro (IPA/SEC)

2:30 D-Case,SysML/UML Operation Tests Yamamoto Koyo (Change Vision)

3:00 D-Case adaptation to Ultra-small man-made Satellites Tanaka Kohei (NESTRA)

3:30 ET Robocon Modelling Category Championship using D-Case Ueno Hajime (FX)

4:00 Interval

4:20 A Robot`s Dependability Guarantee using D-Case Satoshi Kagami (AIST)

4:50 D-Case Recent Topics & Future Plans : Information on D-Case Server Matsuno Yutaka (UEC)

5:10 D-Case Recent Topics & Future Plans : IT-Tridiac Program Takai Toshinori (Nara Institute of Science & Technology)

5:30 Closing Ceremony

● A look at the Research Conference

● A friendly get-together