6.D-Case Tools

We are developing a support tool, D­case Editor to promote D­case further.D­case Editor is a graphical editor for creating and editing D­case and GSN.The figures in this document were drawn using D­case Editor.D­case Editor is enabled with the following features.

● D­case/GSN (Global Structuring Notation) Support
In addition to the D­case format, we are also able to read and create standard Assurance case file formats such as OMG and ARM.

● D­case/GSN pattern library
Reusable D­case template library

● Fundamental variable form check
You are able to use a variable according to the description type of the D­case.By using the form check feature you are also able confirm the validity and safety of the contents.

● Cooperation with the DEOS project deliverables
D­case Editor with the cooperation of D­RE (DEOS runtime architecture) has been implemented as an Eclipse plug­in and thus is also able to work on Eclipse.

As mentioned above the D­case support tools up to now included only basic feature sets.On the other hand, in order to support consensus among stakeholders using dependability guarantee discussions of D­case it is important to connect D­case with documents that relate to system life cycle, such as evaluation reports, conference proceedings and various specification documents etc.From this year onwards to promote management support and description experiments of evidence documents, research is being done on appropriate management approach for D­case and D­case related documents at the Onda group.Fig.10 illustrates the general concept.There are also other D­case tools such as, function cooperation of benchmark tools DS­Bench/D­Cloud, generic monitoring function expansion, the D­case Weaver which enables us to create and edit D­case on a web browser.

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